Key question:
What kind of on-site framework is needed to encourage people to talk about their own experiences with institutions, bureaucracies, and laws that are ultimately accountable to the German Basic Law?
Based on concrete experiences with the formal conditions in Germany: What else is needed to engage people in a deeper exchange of individual perspectives that enables each to recognize their own needs in the needs of the other?
Often people feel more like victims of authorities and institutions than participants in democratic processes. When you are negatively affected, it is difficult to accept the need for organizational structures that every social community needs.
This is not about tweaking bureaucratic processes or complaining that things are not happening fast enough. Rather, it is about the fact that the exchange of negative experiences can be a reason to become active together in the sense of political articulation.
Group to activate:
Acquisition of participants in cooperation with cultural organisations and communities that target specific members.
Methodical Approach:
For the Practice Project 'The other is my narrative' we will draw on the 'knotunknot' and 'Conversation Sculptures' projects that we developed and implemented with the Forsythe Company/Dana Caspersen, and reformat the implementation according to the narrative focus.
We will design the division of physical and digital spaces (for communication and documentation) into which the participants will bring their different social and cultural experiences.
The conversation follows a choreography, so that speaking itself is experienced as a social and at the same time artistic performance. The objects that serve as the basis for the individual narratives are the subject of the conversation.
The physical realities of language (movements of the body) also form the parameters for possible artistic realisations, which in turn function as objects of conversation.
Occupational field:
Design in Politics / Design and Art –Social Sculpture