togetherness and Democracy


Democracy is the realization of togetherness at the socio-political level – that could be a common definition, but a question immediately arises:
Togetherness of whom? The family? The tribe? The nation? There is an obvious contradiction here! Togetherness in the sense of family, tribe, race, nation is first of all the promise of every dictatorship or fascist ideology.

We must be more precise in our definition:
Democracy is the realization (in the double meaning of the word) of togetherness based on diversity.


Togetherness based on diversity is anything but self-evident. Such an understanding of democracy requires a kind of study that provides knowledge of the identity of diversity in a very practical way:
We as living beings (including plants, animals, and the whole ecological system) perceive ourselves first and foremost by the identical reason of our basic needs: to eat and drink, to sleep, to clothe ourselves, to furnish ourselves, to be within safe boundaries, to develop our possibilities.


The different ways we culturalize our basic needs, that is, the diversity of doing it in a way that is appropriate for each of us and making sure that it is possible for every living being, is what we call democracy. In the sense of diversity, democracy is always a negotiation that takes place in different languages, images and cultural tonalities, that is, in different words, plans, diagrammatic constructions and colorides.

In the Disegno courses “Words”, “Points and Lines”, “Colours“ the respective tools for communicative negotiations are to be developed, within which the individual narrative and the unpredictability of its ongoing course form the reference for all decisions that require an actively performed togetherness. Participants will learn how to use the poetic dimension of words, how to transform them into points and lines, and finally how to incorporate the emotional tonality that the narrative can have an impact on the democratic discourse in a very practical sense.



The Narrative


The Disegno Lectures