petition. work Acting together
It is important to us that the very root of the term petition implies something in progress, a process defined als well by its becoming as by its outcome. Thus, the effect of a petition is to be a continuous accompaniment to all decision-making processes that affect the relationship between people and the authorities that determine them.
The etymology shows quite well that it tells something about the relationship between the people and the authorities; how to make an impact on those in power in heaven or on earth. First of all, the term has a genuinely religious connotation.
In the mid-14th century, we find the French "petiocioun" meaning "an invocation or prayer, especially to a deity," taken from the Latin "petere," which means "to ask for, to go to; to seek, to strive for; to ask for, to beg, to beseech, to request; to fetch; to derive; to demand, to require.” The word "petere" in turn is derived from the proto-European root "*pet-" meaning "to rush; to fly".
We think it is necessary to ask about the potential of petition work in a broader sense. The petition should be understood as a voice of togetherness that claims its right not only to be heard, but also to have an impact on legislation.
In this context design is a necessary tool for formulating and implementing a petition. A petition should not only be understood as a collection of as many signatures as possible, but also as a potential influence of a group of like-minded people on political decisions - in whatever way. Whether we are talking about the political transparency of a demonstration, the design of a performance, or the setting for a political act, design plays a significant role on both levels, the level of communication and the level of execution.
How offers courses, master classes and certificate studies that focus on two increasingly important areas of contemporary design: Design in Education and Design in Politics. A detailed description can be found here.