Academy of Visual Arts, Frankfurt
in cooperation with

Netz Bangladesch E.V.


NETZ Partnerschaft für Entwicklung und Gerechtigkeit e.V.: “Together for Bangladesh: We are passionate and transparent about fighting hunger, education and human rights. Partner organizations in Bangladesh, volunteers and staff work together to achieve great things for self-help and self-determination.”

Assignment: What is the relationship between individual lifestyles/situations and the overall social, political, and cultural situation in Bangladesh (with a particular focus on the country's integration into the global marketplace)?

Based on this question, each student will determine his or her own subtopic:

1. research the situation (based on the information provided)
2. create information graphics
- Individual processes: daily routines / women / men / children
- General developments: Labor market / working conditions (e.g. textile production for the international market), educational opportunities, women's rights, etc.


Care for Bangladesh


The Bogori Forest


Nichts Weißes